Texas Music Review: Beaver Nelson: ‘A Friend from Out of Town’
By Richard Skanse, September 26, 2023
Go Knoxville Interview: For Beaver Nelson the song is always the only thing
On the writing process: "...but I think of it like what a liturgical singer does. You're repeating words over and over, so you're not just thinking, 'Are these words good?' You're also thinking, 'Do I want to say these words over and over?' Sometimes you catch yourself in the writing process and say, 'No, I don't!'"
By Wayne Bledsoe of the Knoxville News Sentinel, Friday, Septemnber 16, 2016
Houston Chronicle Interview: Beaver Nelson gives his fans open invitation to be 'Positive'
"Thematically, over the last two records, you're seeing the results of two different approaches," Nelson says. "Though they're different in dealing with a lot of the same subject matter, which is the stuff I'll never escape: time and the existentialist problems. But the last record was more philosophical and distanced. Not more clinical, but I'd say it was more interior and this one is more relational."
By Andrew Dansby, Houston Chronicle, September 14, 2016
Maryville Daily Times Interview: Singer-songwriter Beaver Nelson does less with more these days
It's part of how things go for the Texas artist these days — he's looking to take away rather than add, stripping songs down to their barest essence and learning to say more with less.
By Steve Wildsmith, Maryville Daily Times, Wednesday, Septemnber 14, 2016
The Austin Chronicle — Texas Platters: Beaver Nelson, Positive
Stonesy rocker "Willing and Able" boasts Newcomb's best Keith Richards impression, while the somber, penetrating "Bad Movie" meditates on growing old gracelessly. A burnished cover of Steve Van Zandt's "Men Without Women" fits in skillfully among Nelson songs of an unsettled life. Positive ends perfectly with "Katie Bug's Lullaby," offering a magnificent sunset after a turbulent yet satisfying Beaver Nelson kind of day.
By Jim Caligiuri, The Austin Chronicle, September 9, 2016
Lone Star Music Magazine Album Review: Beaver Nelson, Positive
The whole album finds Nelson as spry and clever as ever in both the wordplay and melody departments; there's really not a song on here that slips by without an indelible hook, line or chorus that doesn't stick on the first spin...
By Richard Skanse, Lone Star Music Magazine, August 31, 2016
Elmore Magazine Album Revew: Beaver Nelson, Positive
Beaver Nelson takes his time between albums so each is rather special. This is deftly well crafted and worthy of
repeated listens.
By Jim Hynes, Elmore Magazine, August 26, 2016
Austin360 On The Record: Beaver Nelson, Positive
He coaxes out raw, rough-and-tumble sounds from 10 original songs, plus a long-overdue cover of Little Steven’s "Men Without Women" that has often sparked Nelson's live shows since the early '90s.
By Peter Blackstock, Austin360, August 26, 2016
Medleyville Q&A: BEAVER NELSON
On his first album in four years, Austin, Texas-based singer-songwriter Beaver Nelson delves deep into his musical past...
Interview by Chris M. Junior, Medleyville, August 22, 2016
Department of Tangents Album Review: New Release Roundup
The songs [Positive] tell a story together, of reflection and kindness, respect for independence, and passing down a sense of adventure and lightheartedness on to future generations. When I listen to this music in the context of the screaming voices on TV and the frantic all-caps on social media during this election season, I can’t help but find comfort in the words. Just hope enough people sing along.
By Nick Zaino, Department of Tangents, August 19, 2016
RealRootsCafe.com Review: Beaver Nelson, Positive (in Dutch)
By Jan Janssen, RealRootsCafe.com, August 14, 2016